7. Disclaimer

This TRUSTNFT whitepaper is a living document; it will be constantly updated in adaptation to changing legal and technical environments and to include the work that our company undertakes. The purpose of this whitepaper is to present a summary of the TRUSTNFT business model and its value proposition, and to provide an introduction for potential token purchasers in connection with the proposed TRUSTNFT crowdsale. The information set forth below may be changed for any reason, may not be exhaustive, and does not imply any elements of a contractual relationship.

This whitepaper may be updated or altered, with the latest version of the white paper prevailing over previous versions. TRUSTNFT is not obligated to provide notice of the fact or content of any changes. The latest version of this white paper is available in English at: https://trustnft.org/. However, there is no obligation to update, supplement, or correct this whitepaper or accompanying materials in any respect, or otherwise to provide access to any additional information. The information contained herein may, from time to time, be translated into languages other than English, or may be used in the course of written or verbal communications with existing or prospective token purchasers, customers, partners, etc. In the event of any conflicts or inconsistencies between translations/communications and this official English language whitepaper, the provisions of this original English language document will prevail.

If you are in any doubt as to the action you should take regarding NFTs, cryptocurrency, or any other aspect of the digital asset market, you should consult your legal, financial, tax, or other professional advisor(s), and should not contribute to the development of TRUSTNFT.

Please check your country's regulations if you are allowed to buy TRUSTNFT tokens. It is your responsibility to make sure that you don;t break any laws or regulations of your country and that you are not eligible to participate in purchasing or trading any TRUSTNFT tokens.

In addition, TRUSTNFT discourages any type of market manipulation, including, but not limited to, the activities defined below, and has no intention of engaging in such activities.

Market manipulation is defined as actions taken by any market participant or a person acting in concert with a participant which are intended to: deceive or mislead other traders; artificially control or manipulate the price or trading volume of an asset; or aid, abet, enable, finance, support, or endorse either of the above.

Please be aware of the fact that, in general, the prices of decentralized tokens such as TRUSTNFT tend to be volatile, and can fluctuate significantly over short periods of time. The demand for, and correspondingly the market price of, these tokens may fluctuate significantly and rapidly in response to, among others, the following factors, which are beyond the control of the TRUSTNFT:

  1. analysts/influencers’ speculations, recommendations, perceptions, or estimates of the token’s market price or TRUSTNFT’s financial and business performance;

  2. changes in market valuations and token prices of entities with operations similar to that of TRUSTNFT that may be made available for sale and purchase on the same cryptocurrency exchanges as these tokens;

  3. fluctuations in market prices and the trading volume of cryptocurrencies on cryptocurrency exchanges;

  4. additions or departures of key personnel of the foundation;

  5. success or failure of the management of the foundation in implementing technical plans;

  6. changes in conditions affecting the blockchain or financial technology industry, the general economic conditions or market sentiments, or other events or factors;

  7. unforeseen regulations.

While TRUSTNFT strives hard to achieve the technical goals put forward in this whitepaper by focusing heavily on the development of core technology, please re-read the risk factors detailed above.


Last updated