2.1 What is TRUSTNFT?

TrustNFT is a platform powered by AI and big data which accurately evaluates NFTs and unlocks their potential for use as loan collateral, which allows users to combine DeFi with NFTs to earn yield on selected NFT-backed loans. Our platform was designed to solve major problems in the NFT ecosystem, such as: low liquidity; investment risk; monetization of assets; and – most importantly – the problem of evaluating NFTs.

TrustNFT’s objectives include allowing everyone to use NFTs as collateral to access loans. This will benefit NFT collectors and investors in a number of ways by: promoting instant liquidity and accurate pricing for NFTs; promoting portfolio variety; and opening up a new market of possibilities with other DeFi applications. The key component, however, is accurate pricing, which will be ensured by our platform – the NFT evaluation machine. Without accurate evaluation, solutions involving the use of NFTs as collateral are impossible, which is why we’ve focused all of our resources and attention on solving this issue.

There are already some platforms in the market that offer solutions for low liquidity, investment risk, and the monetization of assets, but there is no reliable way to evaluate NFTs. Some solutions offer an evaluation process involving a group of experts, others offer to use the last price method, and some leave this question to be decided by the parties involved. We think that none of these are quite good enough, which is why we chose to utilize AI to help solve this problem.

We started building our platform – an NFT Evaluation Machine – at the beginning of 2021. Our platform not only uses data sources from blockchain, but also learns to define trends in the NFT and cryptocurrency markets. This is our main advantage, and the unique factor which differentiates us from other platforms that offer NFT-collateralized loans.

TrustNFT is two-sided platform, which includes: A P2P marketplace for NFT-collateralized loans, which allows borrowers to put up assets for loans and lenders to make offers to lend in return for interest. An automatic lending pool, which allows lenders to put up their assets to be lent to community members in exchange for a variable reward in TrustNFT tokens.

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